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This is the syllabus for the course.
Check out the various files that are available for you to download
for this course.
An introduction for non-programmers to what is involved in computer programming. Students are exposed to a number of different computer languages, as well as an introduction to the types of issues that computer programmers face when developing computer programs.
Upon completing this class, students will be able to identify the steps involved in developing computer programs, as well as the decisions that are frequently made as a computer program is developed.
Students will see a variety of programming languages including C, Visual Basic, and Java. Students will form groups to write some small programs. The goal of this course is not to teach the students any particular language. Students are free to concentrate on the language(s) of their choice.
The final exam is a is open book and open notes. It will be similar to the take-home midterm.
This course is sometimes taught as a 4 day daytime class.
The following optional text book is recommended for students who have computers at home and are interested in programming in C:
Text Book |
C Programming Starter Kit 3.0
Macmillan Digital Publishing ISBN 1-57595-160-6 |
This book contains a C compiler. There are similar books available that have compilers as well. This is an inexpensive way to get a C compiler.
Visual Basic is only available from Microsoft. This package is available in the bookstore at a discount. Full time graduate students can obtain free copies of Visual Basic as well as other Microsoft packages.
Java can be downloaded for free from the Sun website.
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