
MLSRPT — MLS Report Program

This page describes the MlsRpt program, written by Bill Pringle, which reads information from your unit's MLS program, and produces a number of reports that can be used with word processors, Palm Pilots, spreadsheets, and databases. This program is a replacement for the original WardList program that worked with the old MIS system.

Like WardList, MlsRpt provides a series of files that can be imported into databases and spreadsheets, as well as converted into Palm Pilot and other PDAs as well as MS-Word documents, and web pages. This program handles the new MLS program that replaced the MIS system that WardList supported.

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Set Up

To set up your PC for the MlsRpt program:

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Running MlsRpt

Once you have done the above, each Sunday you can do the following:

I originally wrote the MlsRpt program to meet my needs, but have made various changes to meet the needs of others. If there are any features you would like added, submit suggestions on features that should be included in the MlsRpt program.

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Input Files

The MlsRpt program reads input files from your unit's MLS system, as well as an optional auxillary program that can be used to overcome some of the restrictions of the current MLS program. There are two types of files that can be read by MlsRpt: CSV files that can be obtained using the File/Export menu option of MLS, or using copy on various MLS reports and pasting the information into text files. In order to export files, you must be an MLS administrator, typically restricted to members of the Bishopric or a clerk. Exporting is much easier and faster, and has more information, but copying MLS reports is available to anyone who has an MLS account.

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These files can be created by doing an export from your MLS program. You will need an account on that system, and will need to either have permission to export files, or have an administrator confirm each export.

This file contains information on the members of your unit
It is created using the File / Export ..." option of MLS
This file contains information about the various callings and their staffing
It is created using the File / Export ..." option of MLS
This file contains information about Home Teaching assignments
It is created using the File / Export ..." option of MLS
This file contains information about Visiting Teaching assignments
It is created using the File / Export ..." option of MLS
This is an optional text file that you can create from one of the MLS reports. If you create this file, your reports will include the percentage that each family has been home taught.
You create this file the same as when exporting reports for Non-Administrative accounts.
This is the visiting teaching report, similar to the home teaching report above.

There are a series of Palm CSV files that can be exported from MLS as well. My program doesn't use these. They are formatted for a direct import into the address book of a Palm Pilot. Personally, I recommend that you don't import these files into your Palm Pilot, since once you have done that, it won't be easy to update the entries.

If you are a Stake Clerk, then your output CSV files will be slightly different than those of the wards and branches. Your records will have additional fields to indicate what unit the record belongs to. The MlsRpt program will automatically detect that you are using Stake input files, and produce a stake report instead of a unit report.

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Input Files for Non-Administrators

Tyypically, administrator accounts are only granted to the Ward Clerks, members of the Bishopric, and the Executive Secretary. Leaders such as Elders Quorum and Relief Socity President, High Priest Group Leaders, etc. usually have their own user accounts, but not administrator access. If you do not have an administrator account on MLS, you can get access to a collection of reports that provide much the same information. The big difference is that you would not be able to create the private report, since you don't have access to that information.

Exporting the individual reports takes a bit more time, but can still be done fairly quickly. In order to export an account, you will need to have a notepad window open. Here are the steps to exporting individual reports:

You can save your report files to a flash drive, and then put them onto your hard drive at home. Copy the report files into the directory with the mlsrpt program. If the mlsrpt program can't find the Export CSV files, it will look for the individual report files and process them. Here are the names of the reports and what files they should be saved as:

Select "Membership Directory" in MLS and save the report using this file name.
Select "Callings by Organization" in MLS and save the report using this file name.
Select "Home Teaching Districts" in MLS and save the report using this file name.
Select "Home Teaching Companionships" in MLS and save the report using this file name.
Select "Families being Home Taught" in MLS and save the report using this file name.
Select "Visiting Teaching Districts" in MLS and save the report using this file name.
Select "Visiting Teaching Companionships" in MLS and save the report using this file name.
Select "Sisters being Home Taught" in MLS and save the report using this file name.

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Auxillary Input File

If a file named mlsaux.txt is present, the MlsRpt program will read that file and add the information to what it reads from MLS. The MLS system allows a second phone number and an e-mail address, but it is for the entire family, not individual members. Since many families have a home phone and several cell phones, plus many e-mail addresses, this file will let you bypass the MLS restrictions.

The mlsaux.txt file can contain additional information such as cell phone numbers, work numbers, e-mail address, as well as "post-it" type notes about individual members. Another use for this file is to enter information about "out of unit" members: members of other wards or branches that are serving in your unit. These individuals are not exported by MLS, which is a "bug" they are aware of, but no work-around exists (other than this file.) This file can be used to provide the same information as should have come from MLS. This file can also let you control how the addresses in the condensed home and visiting teaching reports are constructed.

You may enter additional information about individual members using this file. All the additional information for a given person should be placed on a single line, with each field separated by a vertical bar (|). The first field of these lines should contain the membership record number of the person (this is the number used to register on web sites, and is written on tithing slips and temple recommends.) Each remaining field consists of a keyword and a value (e.g., "cell=222-555-1234"). Many fields can be repeated as often as necessary (for example, if somebody has multiple work numbers or e-mail addresses.)

Here are a few example lines:

* Display options
* Controls amount of display for address (y or n)
* Sample records:
* Add info for a member
000-0000-0001|x=John Doe|cell=123-555-1234|email=somebody@somewhere.com|rem=Works most nights
* Out of unit members
000-0000-0002|family=000-0000-0002|id=321|name=Smith, Sam|sex=Male|stat=Elder|addr=123 Main St.|city=Happytown|state=Pa|zip=12345|birth=01-Jan-1960|phone=123-555-4321
000-0000-0003|family=000-0000-0002|id=322|name=Smith, Sally|sex=Female|cell=123-555-5555|birth=01-Jan-1962
In the above example, only the street address and zip code will be displayed in the condensed home and visiting teaching reports. An additional cell phone and e-mail address are provided for brother "John Doe", along with a note that he works most nights. We also define brother and sister Smith, a couple from out of the unit who are serving here. Notice that more information is needed for Brother Smith, since his information is used to fill in the family record.

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Auxillary File Fields

This section describes the actual fields for the auxillary file, with suggestions on how to best use this file.

Display Commands

The following commands can control the way addresses are displayed for the condensed HT and VT reports. If your entire unit is within the same city and state, then there is no need to display that information in the condensed report. On the other hand, if your unit stretches across different towns and even different states, then you would want that information displayed on the reports.

The following lines should appear once in the input file. Set the values as you see fit. If you want the field to be displayed, set the value to y; otherwise, set the value to n.

Controls if the city is displayed on the condensed reports. (y or n)
Controls if the state is displayed as part of the address on the condensed reports. (y or n)
Controls whether the zipcode is displayed as part of the address. (y or n)


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Extra Fields

The following fields can be used to provide additional informaton that isn't available within MLS for individuals.

Cell phone number.
Work number. Can have additional information either before or after the actual number e.g.: 234-555-1234 (nights)
E-Mail address
Use this field to add a note (e.g., rem=Works weekends
This field is ignored. It is useful to insert the name of the member towards the beginning of the record, since people won't recognize the membership number


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MLS Replacement Fields

These fields can be used to provide information about out-of-unit members. With the current version of MLS, the Membership.csv file doesn't contain information about any out-of-unit members. These are members from other units where the Stake has assigned them to work in your unit.

The membership number of the head of the family
The name of the member (Last, First)
The preferred name of the member (Last, First)
The street address of the member
The second address field, if needed
The sex of the member (M or F)
The main phone number of the family


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Output Files

The program creates two basic types of files: text files and CSV files. There are two kinds of text files created. Both versions contain the same information, but one set has "Book" and "Chapter" information for the mms (make my scriptures) program, which will create files that can be read on a Palm Pilot (or even a Pocket PC).

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CSV Files

CSV files can be viewed using a SpreadSheet and/or imported into a database. The first line of the file contains the field names separated by commas. All text values containing spaces are enclosed in double quotes.

This file contains entries for each family, including address, phone, etc. It doesn't contain individual specific information
One of the fields included in this file is FamID , which is a unique number that identifies this family. This number is used as a key to associate individuals to this family.
This file contains information on each member of the unit, including significant dates (birth, baptism, endowment, etc.)
One of the fields included in each record is the FamID , which identifies this individual as a member of that family.
Another field in each record is MemID , which is a unique number that identifies this individual. This number is used as a key to associate things such as callings to this individual.
This file contains information about callings and who currently fills them. The MemID field is used to associate the calling with an individual.

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Output Text Files

Text files can be viewed in a text editor, such as NotePad.

You can also use programs such as makedoc or makedocW to convert the text file into a Palm Pilot file that can be loaded on your PDA. Since these report files are typically formatted to take as little width as possible, they are well suited for viewing on a PDA (which was the original reason WardList was created.)

Report files can also be read or pasted into MS-Word or OpenOffice, where they can then be formatted. For example, the Phone List could be placed in a MS-Word or OpenOffice document, and then you could set the number of columns to 2, and possibly reducing the font size. This would allow you to print out the list in two columns, taking advantage of the minimal width, and saving half the number of pages.

There are also a series of report files with "mms" in their name. These are files formatted to work with the MakeMyScriptures program from SkimWare . By running that program against one of the "mms" files, you can create a document with books and chapters that can be read by their MarkMyScriptures program. Both programs can be downloaded for free from their site, but if you purchase the reader, you can get the complete LDS scriptures, including footnotes and chapter comments. If you also get MMSWeb , you can download LDS manuals, magazines, and just about anything else on the lds.org site. (I don't make anything if you buy from them; I just like the package.)

The following report files are created:

This file contains all the information that is known about families and individuals within the input files.
This is a private report that contains sensitive information and should only be given to members of leadership that should have access to this degree of detail about individuals or families.
This report is basically the wardpriv.txt report with the sensitive information removed. This file can be given to any member of the unit.
This file contains the same information as wardpriv.txt
This file is formatted so that you can use MakeMyScripture to create an indexed ward directory, which is divided into books and chapters. A book is created for each first letter of the last names, while chapters are the first few letters of the last name. For example, "Pringle" would be in book "P" and chapter "PRING". Where several families have the same last name (or start with the same letters), once you navigate to a chapter, you may have to scroll down to find the family you are looking for.
This file has the same content as the wardrpt.txt report file, but is formatted for use with the MakeMyScripture program.
This file contains the organizational information about the unit. Organizations and positions are listed in the same order as they appear in the input file Organization.csv .
This file has the same content as wardorg.txt , but is formatted for the MakeMyScriptures program. The organizations are listed as books, and the positions are listed as chapters. This means that in some cases (e.g., 1st Counsellor), there will only be one entry per chapter, but in other cases (e.g., Instructor), there may be multiple entries.
This output file can be used with the mobipocket converter to transfer files to a Blackberry. It contains the same information as is present in wardpub.txt
This output file can be used with the mobipocket converter to transfer files to a Blackberry. It contains the same information as is present in wardpriv.txt
This output file can be used with the mobipocket converter to transfer files to a Blackberry. It contains the same information as is present in wardorg.txt

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Converting Files for Handhelds, etc.

Text files can be viewed in a text editor, such as NotePad.

You can also use programs such as makedoc or makedocW to convert the text file into a Palm Pilot file that can be loaded on your PDA. Since these report files are typically formatted to take as little width as possible, they are well suited for viewing on a PDA (which was the original reason WardList was created.)

Report files can also be read or pasted into MS-Word or OpenOffice, where they can then be formatted. For example, the Phone List could be placed in a MS-Word or OpenOffice document, and then you could set the number of columns to 2, and possibly reducing the font size. This would allow you to print out the list in two columns, taking advantage of the minimal width, and saving half the number of pages.

There are also a series of report files with "mms" in their name. These are files formatted to work with the MakeMyScriptures program from SkimWare . By running that program against one of the "mms" files (using all the default values), you can create a document with books and chapters that can be read by their MarkMyScriptures program, which supports both Palm Pilots and Pocket PCs. Both programs can be downloaded for free from their site, but if you purchase the reader, you can get the complete LDS scriptures, including footnotes and chapter comments. If you also get MMSWeb , you can download LDS manuals, magazines, and just about anything else on the lds.org site. (I don't make anything if you buy from them; I just like the package.)

There are also some files with "bb" in their name. These are HTML pages that can be used with the Mobipocket converter to export files to a blackberry. Here are the steps you should take to get the reports on your blackberry:

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